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Run 3 did not go to plan

I must admit, run 3 didn’t go as expected. After a school tour, I opted to run home, aiming for just over 3 miles, a goal I achieved. However, I didn’t plan my route well, encountering a significant hill right at the start. I attribute most of the run’s challenges to the abrupt warm-up, especially tackling that hill without sufficient preparation. Around the halfway mark, a slight discomfort emerged in my right knee, not severe but enough to preoccupy my thoughts for the remainder of the journey. Determined to push through, I decided to walk rather than run up the second hill while maintaining a steady pace. Post-run, the discomfort intensified, but the pain eased considerably with cooldown exercises and stretching. Consequently, I canceled my plan to attend the park run for the week and committed to complete rest.

Within a day, the pain vanished during movement, prompting me to focus on light stretching in the following days, gearing up to increase my mileage next week. My resolve is stronger than ever to avoid a repeat of my last London Marathon experience; this time, I aim to thoroughly enjoy the journey. It’s crucial to get my training right to make this goal a reality.

  • Run 3 – 3.35 mile | 44 minutes
  • Overall weekly mileage – 3.35 miles

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